Stay away from corners whenever possible you want to move your speaker s out of a corner.
Speaker placement in square room.
Square room placement the least desirable listening environment is a square room.
I recommend starting with this and then backing up the speakers to the main wall as needed for adding a little bass reinforcement back into the sound and making room for other furniture if needed.
But it can also result in more room filling sound for a smaller seating area.
Your speakers can then be placed along lines extending from the outside rear corners through the inside front corners diagram g.
The problem with corners is that typically you only have one speaker that s placed there.
If you have the misfortune to have a square listening room as in the previous setup diagram f create golden rectangles in the rear corners of the room.
These speaker placement guidelines can give you a renewed sense of realism and detail that may have been hidden in your room.
If it s possible and your room is wide enough i tend to prefer doing the set up on the long wall.
Due to similar ratios of boundary distances larger sound waves in the lower midrange and bass regions will have a loading effect and cause tonal imbalance in sound reproduction.
Placing the speakers on the short wall on the narrow dimension of a rectangular room is going to limit the width and the overall soundstage size to a certain extent.
If your room is a rectangle the speakers will ideally face the length of the room so place your desk by the shortest wall.
The front face of the speakers is around 4 5 forward of the back wall and around 4 from the side walls.
The listening position is back against the far wall which gives a measurement of approx.
1 5 times the distance the speakers are apart.
This is my favorite placement recommendation and at least in my room isolated the sound from the room very well as close to listening outside as i ve gotten.
Speaker placement in a square listening room by george cardas.
Since you re not using the room for anything else you want each speaker at ear level or slightly higher when seated.
2 think in thirds imagine dividing the length of your room by three.